Facilitating the natural
self-healing desire of the body
is a great way to ensure
long-term change
Services that match your needs
At our clinic you will be able to choose if you are wanting a guided program with the comprehensive consultation and follow up from one of our practitioners, or simply to receive a treatment from our selection or therapies, or perhaps you are only interested in taking one of our speciality tests.
Whatever your choose, we are here to support you.

Wholistic Assessments
Functional Physiology:
* Darkfield Microscopy
* Heart Rate Variability / ANS
* Digital Meridian Imaging
* Reba Testing
* Basic Terrain Analysis
* Urianalysis & other In-Clinic Tests
Outside-Clinic Lab Tests
Hands On Therapies
Scenar Therapy
Sound Therapy
Segmental Therapy
Oral Biotherapeutics
Complex Homeopathics
Bach Flowers & other Essences
Herbal combinations
Tissue Salts
Orthomolecular Supplements